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Home | Xpress Fun Train

Based in South East QLD

Welcome to Xpress Fun Train

All Aboard Our Unique Fun Train

We are a family business that wants to put smiles on people faces. To give everyone a chance to relive their childhood and escape to the child within. We believe that everyone loves and needs to have fun to have a balanced life.

A ride on our trains will take you on a nostalgic trip back to your childhood and is guaranteed to put that childish grin back on your face. 

The addition of one of our trains into your park will not only provide activities for young families but also bring an added value to existing business owners. Xpress Fun Train adds an additional draw card to your location making sightseeing so much more enjoyable for your visitors.

Our Fun Trains

Fun For The Whole Family

Xpress Fun Train are safe fun rides in local parks for children of all ages and adults too!

Indoor & Outdoor Use

Our Fun Trains provide an activity for the whole family drawing customers to you at your location.

Fully Qualified Team

Our Trains & Carriages meet all Australian standards of safety to ensure that every ride is fun and safe