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About Us | Xpress Fun Train

Based in South East QLD

About Xpress Fun Train

Bringing smiles to train lovers of all ages!

We are a family business that wants to put smiles on people faces. To give everyone a chance to relive their childhood and escape to the child within. We believe that everyone loves and needs to have fun to have a balanced life.

A ride on our trains will take you on a nostalgic trip back to your childhood and is guaranteed to put that childish grin back on your face. 

The addition of one of our trains into your park will not only provide activities for young families but also bring an added value to existing business owners. Xpress Fun Train adds an additional draw card to your location making sightseeing so much more enjoyable for your visitors.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have, as we are more than happy to talk to you about our business. Where we can work together to bring smiles to train lovers of all ages.

“Xpress Fun Train is an Australian owned and operated family business that provides a premium family friendly fun experience.

Our Team

Paul Schembri


Having been a business owner for over 15 years in the retail and construction industries, Paul excels at attention to detail and customer experience. He is known as a problem solver, always exhibiting a strong and positive outlook on life and business operations. Paul has always had a passion for trains and has built the business model around a Safe – Fun – Compliant business model.

Displaying a high level of common sense, coupled with a “get it right first time attitude” is Paul’s baseline for doing life and enjoying the ride. He is always been young at heart and you will find him with a smile on his face and a belly full of laughter.

 0410 451 910 | paul@xpressfuntrain.com.au

Marion Schembri

Administration and Financial Controller

Marion has a great deal of expertise in the Hospitality, Sales, Administration and Occupational Health and Saftey sectors. You will always find Marion full of energy, able and very willing to help our clients.

With exemplary attention to detail, customer service and communication, Marion loves to leave no ends untied!

 0410 451 910 | admin@xpressfuntrain.com.au